What work situation causes you stress?
There are many situations that can cause stress in the workplace. Are you taking on a situation that is more than you can handle? Do you want to ask your boss for a raise but are afraid you won’t get it? Do you struggle when you have to delegate, work, but no one can do it a good as you? This video reviews how to think about those stressors by analyzing the cause of the problem, coming up with a list of solutions, choosing the action to take, taking that action and following through.

Donna Baylor
TRANSITION Seminars, Inc.
- Owner of TRANSITION Seminars, Inc.
- Specialties include real-world workshops, seminars, and coaching programs that create results in real-world situations
- More than 25 years of experience in national and international corporate training
- Member of local Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and American Businesswomen Association
- Written 4 books and is a mastery hypnotist
- Frequent speaker having presented on more than 45 different topics
- More than 8 years working with the Department of Labor training men and women leaving the military how to manage stress, job hunting skills, and assertive communication skills
- Can be contacted at 888-428-0686, [email protected] or www.linkedin.com/in/donnabaylor

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