What is a Record? What is a Document?
A document is a writing that provides information, especially information of an official nature. A record can be paper?based or electronic; and the overall concept of a records is all encompassing from audio recordings, photos, or a social media post. Regardless of whether a record is paper?based or electronic, all records are either active or archived. This video reviews the importance of implementing a records management program for both active and archived records.

Mark J. Fidel
Fidel Consulting Group
- Principal of Fidel Consulting Group, a business strategy consultancy specializing in mid-sized, established technology companies
- Past account executive for state, local, and education markets, Ivanti, Inc.
- Co-founder and head of state, local, and education sales for risk-based vulnerability management company RiskSense, Inc.
- Served as executive director for the Western States School of Banking, 2007 to 2011
- Adjunct professor at New Mexico Highlands University, 2005 to 2007
- Worked as a commercial defense litigator for the Modrall Sperling Law Firm in Albuquerque, NM, 2002 to 2004; maintains his licensure in New Mexico
- Worked as a financial and senior financial analyst for Intel Corporation
- J.D. degree; M.B.A. degree; B.A. degree in finance

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