Recent Supreme Court cases can affect your practice.
Starting out with the District of Columbia v. Wesby, which is one of two cases dealt with this past term on qualified immunity, this video reviews four civil cases and three criminal cases. 42 U.S.C. § 1983 provides a right to seek money damages for a violation of federal rights by officials acting under color of state law. To make a case under 1983 there needs to be someone under color of state law, such as an on-duty police officer, and you need a violation of civil rights. Qualified immunity gives officer two bites at the apple, the first is if they didn’t violate a constitutional right; and second is if the right wasn’t clearly established under the specific facts of the case at hand. They are still entitled to immunity if a reasonable officer in their position would not have realized that they were violating a substantive right. Our speaker discusses these cases and reviews how the outcomes may affect your practice.

Wayne C. Beyer, Esq.
- Trial lawyer, author, presenter, former federal official and administrative appeals judge
- Lead counsel in over 300 police misconduct and corrections cases, including dozens of jury trials, involving Fourth Amendment excessive force, false arrest, illegal search, fatal shootings, positional asphyxia, cell suicide, pursuits, failure to render medical assistance, failure to protect, First Amendment, malicious prosecution, and wrongful conviction
- Assistant corporation counsel and assistant attorney general for the District of Columbia and outside counsel to New Hampshire’s Property and Liability Insurance Trust
- Presenter at national programs for Georgetown University Law Center, Defense Research Institute, the American Bar Association, the Federal Judicial Center for District and Magistrate Judges, and many webinars
- Author of law review and magazine articles on police misconduct, including the 1,540-page treatise and handbook, “Police Misconduct: A Practitioner’s Guide to Section 1983,” available from Juris Publishing at Bookstore/United-States/Police-Misconduct.html
- Member of New Hampshire and D.C. Bars, International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Sheriffs Association, and Police Executive Research Forum
- Formerly associate and partner at prominent New Hampshire law firms; chief of staff U.S. General Services Administration; and rendered 750 final decisions on employment and labor issues for the executive branch of the United States government as member, chairman, chief judge, U.S. Department of Labor Administrative Review Board and member Federal Labor Relations Authority
- Degrees from Dartmouth College, Harvard University, and Georgetown University Law Center
- Can be contacted at 603-356-5106 or [email protected]

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