When it comes to a plan of action, who changes first?
You do! As a manager, you need to lead by example. As a manager, you are being judged by your ability to handle the situation. As a manager, you need to have a plan. The plan must have rewards and consequences in order for people to do what you want them to do while you are in the room, and for people to do what you want them to do when you aren’t. This video reviews the what, when, where and why of putting a plan of action together.

Donna Baylor
TRANSITION Seminars, Inc.
- Owner of TRANSITION Seminars, Inc.
- Specialties include real-world workshops, seminars, and coaching programs that create results in real-world situations
- More than 25 years of experience in national and international corporate training
- Member of local Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and American Businesswomen Association
- Written 4 books and is a mastery hypnotist
- Frequent speaker having presented on more than 45 different topics
- More than 8 years working with the Department of Labor training men and women leaving the military how to manage stress, job hunting skills, and assertive communication skills
- Can be contacted at 888-428-0686, [email protected] or www.linkedin.com/in/donnabaylor

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