
  • 7 minutes

Obligations of Confidentiality for Transactional Attorneys

In this video, John A. Snow teaches about the obligations of confidentiality for transactional attorneys. Snow is an attorney with Prince Yeates and practices general civil litigation, including commercial, professional malpractice, construction, insurance coverage and defense. He is also Chair of the Ethics Advisory Opinion Committee of the Utah State Bar. He explains that most people think there is only one confidentiality agreement, when in fact there are two. First of which is the evidentiary rule of attorney client privilege, the other is the confidentiality rule established in professional ethics.

Rule 1.6 explains that lawyers shall not reveal ANY information unless certain requirements are met. This video will explain what those requirements are and examples to better understand this issue. In certain instances, a lawyer may reveal such information if he/she believes necessary to prevent reasonably certain death or substantial bodily harm. Snow also reveals an alternative to Rule 1.6. Watch the video to find out more!
Runtime: 6 minutes