Understand the role of medical evidence and how to integrate it into your case.
Effective use of medical records can make or break a personal injury or product liability lawsuit. This video will provide insight into using documents as exhibits, discusses evidence issues, and review expert use of PowerPoint.

David Randolph Smith
David Randolph Smith & Associates
- Partner in the office of David Randolph Smith & Associates
- Trial attorney for 44 years and was a professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School (1983 to1988), teaching torts, evidence, and professional responsibility
- Recognized by his peers as one of the best lawyers in America in personal injury litigation and as one of the best lawyers in Tennessee
- Member of the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee (and Expert Committee) in the Allergan Biocell Breast Implant MDL
- J.D. degree, with honors, Order of the Coif, the University of Texas at Austin; B.A. degree, cum laude, Harvard University
- Can be contacted at 615-742-1775 or [email protected]

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