Learn keyboard shortcuts for Excel workbooks.
It should come as no surprise that Excel® is designed to hold data. As a matter of fact, a single worksheet within a workbook can hold over 16,000 columns and over 1 million rows. That doesn’t cover all of the characters and styles and formulas each cell can contain either. So, how do you read all of that data and configure it to make sense? This video offers tips on how to manipulate the data and protect your Excel workbooks.

Jill A. Trehearne
- President of FatDAWGS.com
- Over 15 years in the graphic/publishing industry
- Over 20 years in the IT industry, including eight years working at Microsoft Corporation as a support engineer and content lead; also, as a Windows system engineer for various other companies, including a major health provider group
- While at Microsoft, she experienced working on multiple Six Sigma Green Belt projects, and as part of a Green Belt team won the Microsoft Excellence in Business Award
- As Content Lead, Jill wrote technical support articles for Microsoft Office and Home products
- Develops and designs websites, designs iPhone graphics, and co-develops commercial SQL solutions
- Associate’s degree in applied sciences – Graphic Design, Illinois Central College; Continuing Education, University of Maryland, Europe Division; and various certificates of learning while on the job

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