Who do I want on my jury? Now that’s a loaded question.
The answer can vary for many different reasons. Some general observations are to focus on those that are potential leaders as well as those that could be a risky juror. In most civil cases prior litigation experience matters and beliefs about whether there is a litigation crisis also matters. Our speakers review cases with scientific evidence, IP cases, commercial contract cases, and products cases. A great voir dire and jury selection will not win your case, but it can get you started off on the right foot. A lousy voir dire and jury selection can lose your case.

Christina Studebaker
ThemeVision LLC
- Vice-president, ThemeVision, LLC, a national practice jury research and consulting firm affiliated with Barnes & Thornburg LLP
- Selected juries and conducted jury research in civil and criminal cases pending in state and federal courts throughout the United States
- Ph.D., Northwestern University; M.L.S. degree, University of Nebraska; M.S. degree, Northwestern University; B.S. degree, summa cum laude, Wright State University
- Can be contacted at 317-261-7951 or [email protected]

Trisha Volpe
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
- Attorney with Barnes & Thornburg LLP; trial consultant with ThemeVision LLC, a national practice jury research and consulting firm affiliated with Barnes & Thornburg LLP
- Participated in jury selection in civil and criminal cases
- Emmy award-winning journalist who helps clients communicate to juries effectively and persuasively
- J.D. degree, summa cum laude, William Mitchell College of Law; B.J. degree, Carleton University
- Can be contacted at 612-367-8712 or [email protected]

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