When it comes to the number of invoices processed each month, amount matters.
If you are a company that is processing 500 invoices a month, consider yourself a candidate for some of the technologies and some of the automation available; however if you are a company that is processing 1,000 invoices a month there should be nothing holding you back from using every technology available for invoice onboarding as you are at the size where you will get the ROI for the cost of the set up and management of the system to get a payback. This video reviews the differences between outsourcing vs. doing it yourself.

Bill Becker
Recordsforce, Inc.
- Certified electronic content management practitioner (ECMP)
- Has worked in the process automation industry for over 25 years
- Experience includes the implementation of over 500 A/P cost reducing solutions for his clients
- Co-founded Recordsforce with his wife Katja in 2001, and was named one of the top fastest growing companies in NH in 2016, 2017 and 2018 by NH Business Magazine
- Recordsforce specializes in outsourced A/P automation
- Currently his business processes over 200,000 A/P invoices per month for over 100 A/P departments

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