Think like a criminal.
George works for City Community General Hospital. He was involved in a serious auto accident two years ago and is now dependent upon pain killers, his marriage is shaky, and he has money problems. Mary works for City Community General Hospital. Mary earns little more than poverty level, with two children and lives in low income housing and receives food stamps. Mary’s sister knows someone with an apartment for rent in a better neighborhood and has been pressuring Mary to move. George knows that his attorney will pay $50 for every accident chart he can get from the hospital. The attorney pays cash, every Friday for charts sent to his office. George sees Mary one night on the 3pm to 11pm shift in the Emergency Department. They know each other from high school. It was a quiet night and Mary laughed that all they had all night was auto accidents after the bingo game at the community center. Ten people in all. George did the math and Mary agreed. Unfortunately, this story happens all too often and goes on right under the supervisor’s noses. This video reviews why you need to think like a criminal in order to prevent these types of stories from happening on your watch.
Paul Szklarski, MBA, FACHE
Salartash Surgical Associates
- Administrator, Salartash Surgical Associates
- Consulting partner in TransNational Business Solutions in New York City
- Practice is focused on compliance in the areas of ICD 10, HIPAA, revenue cycle, Stark laws, and practice acquisitions and sales
- Conducting seminars since 2003 in the area of HIPAA, leadership, management, finance and communications
- Recent whitepaper “Solvency Crisis in United States Hospitals”
- Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives
- Chair, Health Industry Resource Group
- M.B.A. degree in health and medical services administration, Widener University; B.A. degree in criminology, Temple University

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