HIPAA penalties are a minimum of $100,000
Starting with HIPAA definitions this video reviews HIPAA and affiliated rules including HITECH, PSQIA, FERPA and audits. Our speaker, Paul Szklarski, MBA, FACHE, reviews updates to HIPAA and other rules, discusses violation cases and costs, electronic medical records, and audits.
Paul Szklarski, MBA, FACHE
Salartash Surgical Associates
- Administrator, Salartash Surgical Associates
- Consulting partner in TransNational Business Solutions in New York City
- Practice is focused on compliance in the areas of ICD 10, HIPAA, revenue cycle, Stark laws, and practice acquisitions and sales
- Conducting seminars since 2003 in the area of HIPAA, leadership, management, finance and communications
- Recent whitepaper “Solvency Crisis in United States Hospitals”
- Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives
- Chair, Health Industry Resource Group
- M.B.A. degree in health and medical services administration, Widener University; B.A. degree in criminology, Temple University

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