Avoid awkwardness by becoming aware of the verbiage you use.
Whether we are writing or speaking we often stick our feet in our mouths and in this hypersensitive world you will never reach perfection. However, you can avoid outright insulting your audience by raising your awareness to the types of language that many people take for granted. This video reviews how to eliminate iffy language.

Melanie Hope
Hope Speaking LLC
- Owner/Operator of StormKatt Productions LLC (writing/editing) and Hope Speaking (training/speaking)
- More than 20 years of experience in the corporate world in leadership and development
- Contracted with both private and public enterprises delivering live workshops throughout the world
- Written multiple books about leadership, communication, and writing
- Distinguished (highest) Toastmaster status; semi-finalist in the 2012 World Championship of Public Speaking
- Co-host of podcast and video channel CounterCultureWISE
- Professional editor and writer for multiple clients, including NPR
- B.A. degree in communications, University of Washington
- Can be contacted at [email protected], HopeSpeaking.com, Twitter® @hopespeaking, Facebook® facebook.com/hopespeakingllc, YouTube® youtube.com/hopespeaking, Pinterest® pinterest.com/hopespeaking, and LinkedIn® linkedin.com/in/hopespeaking

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