Your long-term success depends upon the quality of your interpersonal relationships at work.
Relationships are NOT static. Any given relationship is always getting stronger or weaker. Every communication exchange influences the quality of your relationship with the person involved. Every live conversation, phone call, formal written correspondence, e-mail, and text message either contributes to or vitiates the quality of your relationships. This white paper reviews tools for building quality interpersonal office and client relationships.

Jordan Jensen, Ed.D.
Freedom Focused LLC
- Founder and CEO of Freedom Focused LLC
- Wrote four books including the recently released, Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal, Professional, & Global Freedom (authorHouse, 2015)
- Wrote hundreds of articles in newspapers and other periodicals
- Extensive soft skills training expertise including: conducted 600 live trainings for more than 20,000 people in 44 U.S. States, five provinces of Canada, and nine counties of Great Britain; and facilitated more than 45 different courses spanning over a dozen different soft skill topics
- Ed.D. degree, Fielding Graduate University; B.A. degree in English, Utah Valley University
- Can be contacted at 832-618-5451, [email protected], Twitter® @JordanRJensen,, blog:, Facebook® Freedom Focused/Dr. Jordan R. Jensen, or LinkedIn® Jordan R. Jensen, Ed.D.

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