Learn to use the same situational mindset and leadership style when dealing with your own boss.
As a leader, everything that applies to communicating with your team also applies to communicating with your boss. Remember that bosses are people, too. From assuming benign intent, to focusing your mindset on influence vs. control, all of the communication tools can be used in the same way in situations with your boss. This video reviews these tools and discusses the DISC Model and considering your boss's style and motivators.

Guy Harris
The Kevin Eikenberry Group
- Master trainer and coach with The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a learning and development organization located in Indianapolis, Indiana that specializes in leadership, communication, team dynamics, and conflict resolution skills
- Coaches, consults, and conducts regular seminars and workshops on leadership development, communication skills, team dynamics, and workplace conflict resolution
- Wrote, From Bud to Boss: Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership and The Recovering Engineer Blog; hosts the Talk Like a Leader podcast
- M.S. and B.S. degrees in chemical engineering; qualified engineering officer (nuclear) United States Navy; master trainer in the DISC Model of Human Behavior; and workplace conflict resolution expert
- Can be contacted at 317-387-1424 x13, [email protected] or on Twitter® @recovengineer

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