In this 10-minute video our speaker, Steven C. Bennett, reviews fundamentals to drafting a contract. He also provides basic tips including reviewing good precedents, and reading and understanding the term sheet. Mr. Bennett also discusses substance and style tips. Grammar and punctuation matter. Keep sentences short. Delete unnecessary words. Use defined terms efficiently and carefully. Sloppy drafting is distracting at best and really troublesome when it matters the most. When drafting multiple agreements in the same transaction the details matter from defining parties the same way each time to using the same font, style and formatting.
Steven C. Bennett is a partner at Park Jensen Bennett LLP. He is also an adjunct professor of E-Discovery at New York Law School, as well as an adjunct professor of Conflicts of Law at Hofstra Law School. Mr. Bennett is on the New York State Bar Association Committee on E-Discovery.

Steven C. Bennett
Scarola Zubatov Schaffzin PLLC
- Partner in the law firm of Scarola Zubatov Schaffzin PLLC, New York City
- Practice focused on commercial litigation
- Adjunct professor, Hofstra Law School, e-discovery procedure
- Former co-chair, New York State Bar Association, E-discovery Committee
- J.D. degree, New York University School of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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