Employees are increasingly using access points outside of the office – are they safe to use?
Free access points are now available at restaurants, hotels, subway stations, and even the gym. This is giving hackers a convenient forum to exploit security risks. There are powerful and sophisticated methods of intercepting communications and gaining access to secure information. Employees need to pay significant attention to wi-fi and other public points. This video reviews solutions for using wireless resources including encryption, password security; and what to do if a device is seized at the border.

Stuart M. Gerson
Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
- Former Acting Attorney General of the United States, Assistant Attorney General, and federal prosecutor with hands-on enforcement and policy experience with respect to antitrust, cyber security, and data privacy.
- Experience in counseling and defending companies in antitrust litigation, including the successful court defenses of recent hospital mergers and other healthcare-related cases
- Successful defense of class action litigation related to the privacy of both PII and PHI
- Broad successful litigation and counseling experience with respect to the Federal False Claims Act and other fraud actions
- As a corporate director, head of a compliance committee in a heavily data-centric industry
- Director of the National Council of Registered ISAOs, related to the adoption of best cyber practices and the fostering of public/private partnerships
- Member of National Chamber of Commerce Working Groups on cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence

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