Do you understand your company’s inventory goals?
One of the things that need to be done for safety stock and service levels is to have an understanding of the goals of purchasing inventory. Ultimately a business wants enough inventory to satisfy the usage demand until the next purchase order arrives. There are two fundamental questions to achieve that goal. When to purchase? How much to purchase? This video discusses how to answer those questions, as well as reviews inventory demand and trends.

Ian Benoliel, Inc.
- Founder and president of, Inc.
- NumberCruncher is a developer of inventory and orders management software for product-centric SMBs in manufacturing, wholesale and e-commerce
- Has held positions in technology and accounting firms
- CPA, University of Illinois; CA designation, the Institute of Chartered Accounts of Ontario; B.B.A. degree, York University’s Schulich School of Business
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 954-302-6811

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