Contracts come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
All companies enter into contracts with vendors at some point. Most companies enter into contracts with customers as well. This makes contracts a very broad topic. This video will review mainly best practices when dealing with commercial contracts. Our speakers starts out by addressing the framework of important items to think about at the very outset of the contract process.

Mark P. Henriques
Womble Bond Dickinson
- Partner in the Charlotte office of Womble Bond Dickinson, your transatlantic firm close to home
- Practice focuses on pragmatic resolution of complex business disputes
- Strength in quickly focusing on key issues and developing a comprehensive strategy to win cases
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on contract drafting, e-discovery, litigation strategy, and managing legal spend
- J.D. Degree and B.A. Degree, Law Review and Order of the Coif, University of Virginia
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or on Twitter® @cltlawyer

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