Acquire examples of licensing, regulations, and zoning practices that advance the goals of urban agriculture.
How are cities producing flexible yet stable regulatory regimes generative of citizens desires to produce their own food and more generally partake in localizing or regionalizing their food system? You will acquire examples of urban agriculture related licensing, regulations, and zoning practices that advance the goals of individual households as well as those of cities and metropolitan areas advancing a comprehensive resilience and sustainability agenda. Metropolitan sustainability embraces multiple agendas, among them advancing the utility of urban agriculture to promote health, to support economic and community development and to improve the urban environment. Because there are many forms of urban agriculture and many different purposes that it can serve, charting a policy course can be complex. This topic exemplifies how professionals are reexamining existing policy in light of opportunities, public goals, and relevant stakeholders, and shows you the outcomes associated with that reexamination in cities around the country.

Nicholas N. De Marsh
Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Wisconsin Madison
- Over a decade of experience working for urban agriculture organizations including: Growing Power, Groundwork Milwaukee, Hunger Task Force, Young Farmers of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Farmers Union
- Co-founded youth urban agriculture entrepreneurship program that was recognized locally and at the Wisconsin Film Festival
- Thesis focused on a triple bottom line economic, social and environmental impact of urban agriculture in Milwaukee
- UW-Milwaukee, Ph.D. candidate, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Alfonso Morales, Ph.D.
Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Wisconsin Madison
- Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture, at the University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Published in the top journals of five different disciplinary associations
- Invited to deliver conference keynote lectures nationally and internationally
- Has appeared on the NBC News with Brian Williams and work has been discussed in numerous media outlets including Scientific American, and the New York Times
- More than $6 million dollars of grant supported research by the American Bar Foundation, the USDA, the Ford Foundation, and other agencies
- Elected trustee of the Law and Society Association and governing board officer of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
- Numerous awards for research, teaching, and service

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