Learn how you can implement an effective wellness initiative that delivers significant bottom line results.
Employment organizations in the US are increasing their wellness offerings in order to reduce healthcare costs and improve employee productivity, resilience, satisfaction, and morale. Implementing a comprehensive wellness program can place your organization at the forefront as an employer of choice. This program will explore how a robust plan can enhance the employee life-cycle and bring a positive return on company investment. You will gain an understanding of why wellness programs are a key employee benefit and how to prepare for future trends.

Liza A. Wade, MS, CHES
Liza Wade
- Focuses on Workplace Wellness, Health & Safety
- Works with Individual clients, onsite and virtual workshops, private wellness retreats
- Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)
- MS, Health Promotion with a concentration in Workplace Wellness
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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