Learn how to properly select an HR consultant to meet your organization's short and long-term goals, whether there is a full internal HR staff or not.
Many organizations overlook the connection between effective human resources management and operational and financial success. While HR has historically been looked upon to provide hiring and firing, compliance or payroll services or training, human resources management has expanded exponentially to include the employee experience, diversity initiatives, retention, and HR metrics and analytics. It's vital that organizations not only keep up with the legal and statutory requirements in the workplace but also the other benefits and work environment employees are looking for as the workplace culture continues to evolve. This presentation will help organizations understand the role of an HR consultant, whether there is a full internal HR staff or not. The topic explains how to properly select an HR consultant to meet short and long-term goals of your organization, what questions to ask before engaging with an HR consultant, and how to define the scope of work.
Regina W. Romeo
Regina Romeo Consulting
- Owner, Regina Romeo Consulting
- Worked for 25 years in HR in all capacities from analyst to CHRO
- An expert witness for over 12 years on over 150 state and federal cases
- Has given national seminars and webinars for National IPMA-HR, CA State Assembly, NPELRA, Sacramento Business Journal, Colorado City and County Management Association, City of Chandler, AZ, and National Forum of Black Public Administrators
- Forbes author
- Doctoral Candidate, 2023, DBA in Organizational Leadership; master’s degree in public administration with a specialization in HR; B.A. degree in behavioral science with a minor in criminal justice
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 916-588-0688

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