Learn best practices for implementing effective whistle-blower protection policies and avoiding pitfalls when handling whistle-blowing complaints.
When an employee complaint is whistle-blowing it is not always clear, and mishandling the complaint, or failing to adequately protect the complainant from retaliation, may lead to poor employee morale and costly litigation. This topic will assist you in properly identifying and handling whistle-blower complaints. The material covered will provide tips and best practices for drafting and implementing effective whistle-blower protection policies and identify key considerations to minimize and mitigate risks when handling whistle-blowing complaints.

Kyle Mabe
Littler Mendelson P.C.
- A litigation attorney with Littler Mendelson P.C., an international law firm focused exclusively on employment and labor law on behalf of management
- Represents private and public employers in federal and state court litigation and before administrative agencies regarding discrimination including race, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, and disability, harassment, retaliation, including whistleblower retaliation, breach of contract, wrongful termination, and numerous other types of employment law matters
- Also handles complex wage and hour class action litigation, including off-the-clock claims, exempt misclassification, and contractor misclassification in both federal and state courts, as well as other actions under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act
- In addition to his litigation practice, he counsels employers on a wide variety of employment issues, such as hiring practices, employment policies, disability accommodations and leave administration, handling whistle-blower complaints, employee and contractor classification issues, employment contracts, enforceability of covenants not to compete, leaves of absence, terminations, and reductions in force
- Licensed to practice in Arizona and California
- J.D. degree, with highest honor, Golden Gate University School of Law, San Francisco
- Can be contacted at 602-474-3600 or [email protected]

Misty Leslie
Littler Mendelson P.C.
- A litigation attorney with Littler Mendelson P.C., an international law firm focused exclusively on employment and labor law on behalf of management
- Has counseled and defended public and private sector entities for more than 20 years as both in-house and outside counsel
- Years and range of experience allows her to provide holistic advice and counsel to clients to minimize and mitigate risk
- Represents national and multistate clients, providing advice and counsel, and litigation defense, in a wide range of employment issues, including investigating and defending discrimination claims involving race, ethnicity, religion, sex, disability and age (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ADA, ADEA); whistle-blower retaliation claims (SOX/CFPA, and state actions); leave interference and retaliation claims (FMLA); unpaid wage claims (FLSA); breach of contract; and tort
- Has provided seminars and trainings in areas including effective performance management, leadership, internal investigations, diversity and EEO compliance
- Licensed to practice in Arizona and before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
- J.D. degree, cum laude, Creighton University School of Law
- Can be contacted at 602-474-3600 or [email protected]

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