Gain the tools needed to control the cost and duration of a worker's comp claimEmployers are frustrated with the worker's comp system.
This presentation will put you back in control and give you the tools to control the cost and duration of a worker's comp claim. Employee injuries have a significant financial impact on the individual and business. In fact, some injuries open the door for an OSHA inspection, significantly increase workers comp premiums, and remove businesses from bidding on projects. There's no silver bullet to fix a broken system. There are a lot of players involved but only 3 who can control the cost of a claim. I will take you from cradle to grave (no pun intended) through the life of a problematic workers' compensation claim and the unanticipated consequences that will jeopardize the wealth and reputation of a business. I'll share ideas and real-world tools to assist in lowering the cost and duration of a claim.

Duke Mills
WorkComp Solutions
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of workers’ compensation including premium recovery, consulting & brokerage
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous workers’ compensation continuing education courses and trade association conferences
- Author of several publications related to the areas of workers’ compensation, transferring your risk to the insurance company, injury management & prevention, and controlling the experience modification factor
- Publications include, How to Protect Your Profits, in the Contractor Magazine; What Contractors Don’t Know Will Cost Them Money, in SNIPS Magazine; and Tips for Bidding a Wrap-Up Project, in Reed Construction
- Can be contacted at 863-712-0990 or [email protected]

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