Gain a better understanding of policies, procedures and strategies you can immediately incorporate into your screening program.
Maintaining a comprehensive and successful background screening program for your volunteer organization requires legal compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. With the background screening industry facing continuous changes to laws and best practices, it is more important than ever to remain vigilant in keeping a compliant program. As a credit reporting agency (CRA) and a provider of background screening services, IntelliCorp will be providing an overview of what operating a compliant background screening program means for volunteers, as well as reviewing best practices and discussing some of the highest profile issues facing anyone providing or using background screening services. Gain a greater understanding of policies, procedures and strategies you can immediately incorporate into your screening program.

Chad O. Ascar
- Senior operations manager (compliance), IntelliCorp Records, Inc.
- National Association of Professional Background Screeners: Fair Credit Reporting Act Basic and Advanced Certificate; Board of Directors, Regular Member – Term 2018-2020
- J.D. degree, University of Illinois College of Law; B.A. degree in political science, University of Illinois
- Can be contacted at 216-450-5164, [email protected] or LinkedIn®

Mark Hopwood
- President, VolunteerMatters
- His introduction to volunteerism was serving as an altar boy for his local church; today, he volunteers for youth development programs, sits on the advisory board for a medical research nonprofit and runs a local support group for youth struggling with chronic illness
- At times in his life, he has also benefited from the profound generosity of volunteers; he knows firsthand the lasting impact volunteerism can have in making a true difference in the world
- Has helped hundreds of organizations to unleash the power of volunteerism in a way that is effective and sustainable – assuring it not only saves time and money but generates new resources and revenue
- Believes his life’s mission is to ignite purpose-driven organizations to become a greater force for good in our world through the power of volunteerism
- Over the last 15+ years he has been helping hundreds of volunteer programs by providing them with proven strategies, human resources, systems and tools to dramatically expand their capacity to give and serve
- Frequent speaker at national and regional conferences and leads a free webinar series designed to develop extraordinary volunteer programs
- Can be contacted at 203-987-3339, on Facebook®; Twitter®; or LinkedIn® at

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