Gain a better understanding of how to properly utilize employee ownership and avoid any unwanted tax or compliance consequences.
Employers have many forms of employee ownership incentives that can be utilized to retain employees and invest them in the profitability of their employer's business. A thorough knowledge of these forms, the applicable tax rules and 409A and ERISA compliance issues can allow an employer to properly utilize employee ownership in their business and avoid any unwanted tax or compliance consequences.

Dannae L. Delano
The Wagner Law Group
- Partner in the St. Louis office of The Wagner Law Group
- Practice concentrates on employee benefits law, executive compensation, and taxation
- Considerable experience in integrating a range of benefit plans in mergers and acquisitions and in correcting plan errors
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on all aspects of employee benefit compliance, for retirement plans, health and welfare plans, and executive compensation planning
- Wrote several publications related to employee benefit compliance issues
- Can be contacted at 314-236-0065, [email protected], or

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