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  • 66 Slides

Upsell and Cross-Sell Best Practices


Gain a better understanding of account and relationship level profitability to develop strategies to grow profitably while reducing profit risk.

Many financial institutions want to grow through upsell and cross-sell programs but do not have a data driven way to identify which customers have the propensity or the capacity to buy a product. What is the next best product for each customer? Most financial institutions don't understand that the majority of their relationships are not profitable and cross-selling more products can actually make the institution less profitable.
In this topic, we teach institutions how to identify cross-sell opportunities. We will provide them with an understanding of account and relationship level profitability to allow them to develop strategy to grow profitably while reducing profit risk. You will be shown how to use propensity and capacity to determine what to sell to whom. You will understand cross sell approach for both onboarding and at-risk customers.
The content will provide an overview of why cross-selling is important, will help you better understand bank products and how they help customers, tips on determining what the customer might need or want, ways of handling customer objections, and explore case studies. This topic is geared towards an intermediate level.



Jeff Dwornicki

Jeff Dwornicki

Baker Hill Solutions, LLC

  • Guru of Funds Transfer Pricing with Baker Hill Solutions, LLC
  • More than 25 year’s background in financial analysis
  • Manages all implementations of new financial institutions as they onboard for the profitability model for Baker Hill
  • Background with General Ledgers and understanding Allocations within the model allow him to guide new clients to build the best model for their needs
  • M.B.A. degree, Portland State University; B.A. degree, University of Puget Sound

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