Gain a better understanding of Regulation O and related compliance considerations.
Lending to insiders can be a regulatory danger zone for bank officers and directors. While loans to bank insiders are not prohibited, they are tightly regulated and attract greater than normal regulatory attention, and not without good reason. Insider loan abuses historically have been a major reason for bank failures.
This topic will review the rules applicable to loans to insiders as set forth in Sections 22(g) and 22(h) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 USC § 375a and § 375b) and its accompanying Regulation O of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (12 C.F.R. Part 215). The intent of the material is to provide you with a working understanding of Regulation O and related compliance considerations.

Robert M. Tammero, Jr.
K&L Gates LLP
- Senior associate in the Boston office of K&L Gates LLP
- Practices in corporate and banking and advises financial institutions
- Frequent speaker and writer on financial services legal topics
- Formerly served as Co-chair of the Boston Bar Association’s Banking Committee
- LL.M. degree, Boston University School of Law; J.D. degree, Suffolk University Law School; B.A. degree, Providence College
- Can be contacted at 617-951-9114 or [email protected]

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