Gain an overview of ethical concerns when representing sexual violence survivors in criminal and civil proceeding.
Sexual violence is thought to still be widely underreported because of the stigma associated with these acts. In 2014, The Centers for Disease Control and prevention reported an extensive survey concerning sexual violence, of those surveyed 43.9 percent of all women and 23.4 percent of all men experienced some form of sexual violence's, including being made to penetrate, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact and non-contact unwanted sexual experiences. This material will help attorneys and other professionals understand their roles as attorneys and advocates with sexual violence survivors with emphasis on the ethical issues that arise.

Susan B. Ramsey
Romano Law Group
- Attorney with the Romano Law Group
- Actively litigates cases involving sexual violence, other catastrophic injuries and wrongful death on behalf of victims, cases include injuries suffered by victims of professional negligence, product liability and medical negligence
- Professional experience began as a registered nurse in the intensive care unit
- Counseled sexual assault survivors
- Performed seminars for local police departments, universities, and high schools
- Received numerous awards and is a member of several organizations
- J.D. degree, CUNY Law School

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