Initial Coin Offerings have proliferated rapidly for companies seeking to raise capital beyond traditional fundraising methods.
In July 2017, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission issued an investigative report addressing the application of federal securities laws to ICOs, and served notice to ICO issuers that they may be subject to SEC regulation. Many investors considering ICOs as part of their investment portfolio, as well as companies contemplating the issuance of an ICO, may not fully grasp the mechanics or implications of the investigative report. Without such an understanding, investors may be vulnerable to fraudulent schemes, and companies seeking to raise business funds may be subject to penalties for failure to comply with applicable regulations. Through this topic you will develop an understanding of how and why the SEC is regulating ICOs and the subsequent enforcement actions that it has pursued to prevent ICOs from being used in furtherance of fraudulent schemes. It will also examine ICOs that are not subject to SEC regulation and the role that other agencies are playing in regulating ICOs. This information is valuable for attorneys who are seeking to advise clients in connection with potential enforcement actions related to ICOs. It will also be beneficial for attorneys seeking to advise companies and individuals that are considering how and whether to enter the ICO market, whether as potential investors or in an effort to raise business capital.

Ariel S. Glasner
Blank Rome LLP
- Senior Associate in the Washington, D.C. office of Blank Rome LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of White Collar Defense and Government Investigations, including financial fraud, public corruption, healthcare fraud, False Claims Act litigation, and environmental crimes
- Speaks and writes regularly on topics related to white collar matters, including the representation of individuals in white collar matters, issues affecting the FinTech industry and developments concerning the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- J.D. degree, NYU School of Law; B.S. degree in Economics from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania; B.A. degree in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania
- Board Member for the Attorney/Client Arbitration Board of the District of Columbia Bar; Member, District of Columbia Bar Association, American Bar Association
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 202-772-5963

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