Gain a better understanding of the meaning of financial statements and find the information you are looking for.
This course will assist internal and external readers of financial statements by gaining an overall understanding of basic financial statements-balance sheet, statement of operations, and statement of cash flows. You will learn how to analyze specific financial statement line items, how the analyses of the balance sheet and operating statement interplay, and calculate and review key ratios to make informed financial decisions.

Sheri L. Springer, CPA
SVA Certified Public Accountants
Sheri Springer, CPA
- A principal with SVA Certified Public Accountants providing assurance services (audits, reviews, compilations) and process and procedures reviews
- Helps clients establish internal financial reporting procedures and analyses to allow management to make informed financial decisions
- Manages and performs audits for owners of projects receiving federal financial assistance from Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 608-826-2531

Haley Bruss, CPA
SVA Certified Public Accountants
- A supervisor with SVA Certified Public Accountants providing assurance services (audits, reviews, compilations)
- Helps privately held companies in the construction, hospitality, and manufacturing industries improve their overall financial reporting processes
- Works with the plan sponsors of employee benefit plans to ensure they are compliant and operating in the best interest of the individuals in the plan
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 608-826-2559

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* For audio recordings you only pay shipping
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