Learn the fundamentals on how to prepare the proper trial notebook to help you become more successful with your trial outcomes.
From the time a lawsuit is filed, facts pour into a law firm like a waterfall. New and experienced paralegals will learn ways to capture and organize these facts as well as retrieve them when needed for depositions, motions and at trial. These materials discuss what can and should go into a trial notebook as well as how to use your computer to organize an electronic trial notebook in OneNote® and how to use a spreadsheet as a simple but quick database to find documents.

Phillip S. Aurbach
Marquis Aurbach Coffing
- Management committee in the office of Marquis Aurbach Coffing
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of contract law, commercial litigation, real estate law, partnership and corporate dissolution as well as mediating and arbitrating business disputes
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops in these areas
- Author of several publications related to litigation including: Effective Use of the Trial Notebook; How to Grab a Debtor by the Assets and Not Let Go; How to Fire Employees Without Making Them Cry; and How to Win Trials with Your Computer Without Looking Like a Total Geek
- J.D. degree, University of San Diego School of Law; B.S. degree in business, Western Kentucky University
- Membership information: Nevada Bar
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 702-942-2124

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