Save time and money while increasing the number of qualified candidates your organization screens and hires.
Many employment applications are long, cumbersome and ask questions which often add no value to the recruitment and hiring process. Lengthy applications can also discourage qualified applicants from applying. Moreover, once those applications are completed, it can take hundreds of man hours to weed through the stack and determine who is suitable or qualified for an interview. Even at that point, traditional application reviews and interviews can often miss key indicators of who would be an ideal candidate for a particular position or class of jobs. Enter the world of hiring software, data analytics and artificial intelligence. These programs have revolutionized the landscape for streamlining and simplifying how organizations find and vet candidates. They can also identify and focus on key personality traits which are a boon for particular positions or fields.

Amber M. Spataro
Littler Mendelson P.C.
- Shareholder with Littler Mendelson P.C.
- Almost 20 years of experience in all areas of labor and employment law, including employment litigation, advice and counseling, and traditional labor disputes
- Advice and counseling experience includes Fortune 500 companies as well as small, 5-person employers
- The mainstay of her practice is advising and counseling clients through day-to-day concerns such as termination guidance and risk assessment; wage and hour questions; I-9, overtime exemption and independent contractor audits; revising employee handbooks and policies as well as performing necessary training on a variety of employment law topics
- Can be contacted at 973-848-4700 or [email protected]

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