Understand the key elements of the current Volcker Rule compliance regime.
As the Volcker Rule was being implemented, the OCC, one of the regulatory agencies in charge of implementing it, estimated that its cost to the banking industry could run into the billions. As the Volcker Rule approaches its ninth birthday (and the Dodd-Frank Act that created it nears its twelfth), the OCC's estimate has been fully borne out. While the banking industry has settled in with the Volcker Rule (with perhaps varying degrees of grudging acceptance), significant compliance requirements, especially for large and complex banks, are ongoing. This course will teach you what the Volcker Rule is, where it came from, and what institutions and entities are impacted by the rule. This material will also review how the rule has changed over the decade or so it has existed, what its current requirements are, including requirements that form the backbone of a Volcker Rule compliance program.

Nathan Brownback
Seward & Kissel LLP
Nathan S. Brownback
- Associate in Seward & Kissel’s Financial Services Regulatory Group, in their Washington D.C. office
- Practice focuses on the regulation of domestic and foreign banks, with particular emphasis on the regulation under the Dodd-Frank Act, including the Volcker Rule
- Co-authored the United States chapter of the 2022 edition of Lexology, Getting the Deal Through: Fintech, which provides a summary of key aspects of United States fintech law, and he is a contributor to Seward & Kissel’s Cryptocurrency and Blockchain blog, SKrypto
- Served as a law clerk for Judge Richard T. Morrison on the U.S. Tax Court
- Prior to receiving his law degree, he was an economic research analyst, first in the private sector and subsequently for a regional Federal Reserve Bank

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