Know the truth behind water damage restoration and mold and how it effects on our indoor environment.
Water gives life to every living organism in the world, but it also provides one of the key elements for mold growth. This program will reveal the truth behind water damage restoration and mold. The topic will discuss the importance of rapid response and the key factors in reducing and minimizing organic growth. When the window of opportunity for water mitigation passes, the speaker will expose how and where mold growth will likely occur, the potential health impact of fungi and the hazards to building construction. The program will talk about techniques that increase and reduce risks including sampling, the use of disinfectants and applying coatings over the mold. The audience will certainly learn more about this unseen kingdom and its effects on our indoor environment.

William A. Weber, CR, CMRS
- Senior consultant with Richard Avelar & Associates
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of forensic building consultancy
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous topics related to water damage and indoor air quality
- Author of several publications related to the areas of water damage, mold, and thermography
- Can be contacted at 510-557-5992 or [email protected]

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