Learn and understand how medical records are used in litigation.
Most lawyers who handle cases arising out of personal injuries must obtain and build their cases on the information and data contained in medical records. In this presentation, Mr. Rackham will offer insights and suggestions for obtaining, preserving, and capturing critical information from medical records to help lawyers most efficiently and effectively present their cases. Additionally, most healthcare providers utilize some form of electronic medical records in their practice. A significant number of healthcare offices are paperless. In this presentation, Mr. Rackham will discuss the risks and benefits of using electronic medical records. Mr. Rackham will discuss the unique aspects of electronic medical records to assist attendees in locating all relevant records and using them in litigation. Mr. Rackham will discuss common issues that may arise with electronic medical records in litigation, including limitations on access, discovery of audit trails, and inadequate recordkeeping. Mr. Rackham will also offer tips on using electronic medical record evidence at trial and overcoming evidentiary objections.

Troy R. Rackham
Spencer Fane LLP
Troy R. Rackham, Esq.
- Partner, Spencer Fane LLP
- Defends hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare organizations in a wide variety of matters
- Counsels healthcare providers and attorneys on regulatory, employment, and ethics matters
- Frequently presents and teaches courses to legal and medical professionals on a variety of medical and legal issues
- Authors a treatise on Colorado Legal Malpractice litigation
- Recognized Colorado Super Lawyers, Best Lawyer in America, and People’s Choice Best Medical Malpractice Lawyer for Defendants (Law Week Colorado)
- J.D. degree, William & Mary Law School; B.A. degree, summa cum laude, Weber State University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 303-839-3860

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