Learn techniques to identify and effectively respond to the process of legal holds.
How to execute a legal hold is an important consideration for virtually every filed or anticipated litigation or government investigation, but it is an evolving area of law with multiple pitfalls to avoid. The legal hold landscape has changed due to the Federal Rules amendments and new case law. For example, proportionality factors may now be considered in setting the scope of legal holds. You will learn legal considerations, best practices, and how to avoid the most common legal hold hazards.

David R. Cohen
Reed Smith LLP
- Partner and Chair of Reed Smith LLP’s Records & E-Discovery (RED) Practice Group, one of the largest such practice groups of any law firm
- More than 30 years of experience in a variety of commercial litigation matters, serving as national discovery counsel and assisting many clients and other law firms with e-discovery, information governance, and litigation readiness issues
- Nationally and internationally recognized by Chambers Global, Chambers US, Super Lawyers, and Who’s Who Legal
- Frequent author and speaker on e-discovery topics, having designed and presented e-discovery training programs for judges and neutrals around the country, written extensively on the subject, and is a regular presenter at national and international conferences and continuing legal education seminars
- Active member of The Sedona Conference, Duke/EDRM, the Georgetown Advanced eDiscovery Advisory Board, EDI, ARMA International, and other organizations concerned with e-discovery
- J.D. degree, Harvard Law School
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 412-288-1098

Emily Dimond
Reed Smith LLP
- Associate in the Pittsburgh office of Reed Smith LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of management and discovery of electronic information, including the development of policies and procedures for the preservation, collection, review, and production of electronically stored information, as well as the remediation of legacy data
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on information governance, e-discovery and defensible data remediation
- Written several publications related to the areas of your e-discovery, including E-discovery Collection and Processing e-discovery (4th Edition)
- Membership information: Licensed in Pennsylvania, Member of Women In E-Discovery, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
- J.D. degree, Duquesne University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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