Utilize the Regulation A+ rules to raise capital from accredited and non-accredited investors and institutions.
Real estate investors and developers customarily raise capital using a mix of debt from banks and other lending institutions, as well as private equity from high net-worth individuals and institutions. Attracting capital remains challenging for most investors due to regulatory burdens, higher capital costs, and the high risk, high return nature of venture capital. Often, capital projects won't get off the ground unless projected returns are above market rates. This topic provides guidance of utilizing the Regulation A+ rules to raise capital from accredited investors and institutions in addition to more than 75 million nonaccredited investors - specifically, how Regulation A+ rules can be used to facilitate an initial acquisition of a real estate project and the process that must be followed in order to successfully complete a Regulation A+ offering. The material also provides you with the tools necessary to obtain capital for future projects without leveraging the existing projects. This topic is cutting edge in the world of real estate financing as it is estimated that less than $500 million has been raised using Regulation A+ since 2015 whereas in 2016 alone more than $490 billion in mortgage loans had closed.
Michael Van Someren, Esq.
Davis & Kuelthau, s.c.
- Corporate Securities and Real Estate attorney in the Milwaukee office of Davis & Kuelthau, s.c.
- Practice areas include securities, real estate, commercial finance, and general corporate law
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on securities and real estate law
- Author of several publications related to securities and real estate law
- J.D. degree, Marquette University Law School (2012); B.A. degree in history, University of Wisconsin – Madison (2008)
- Member of the American Bar Association, Wisconsin State Bar, Milwaukee Bar Association, NAIOP-WI, CARW
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 414-225-1433

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