Receive rare and unique insight on how to navigate a False Claims Act investigation today's regulatory enforcement environment.
Since 2016, courts and government contractors have grappled with the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Universal Health Services, Inc. United States ex rel. Escobar regarding the interpretation of the False Claims Act (FCA). Simultaneously, the Department of Justice has released several different, sometimes contradictory memoranda regarding the enforcement of the FCA, while continuing to collect billions of dollars each year from settlements with government contractors who violate the FCA. This topic will clarify and describe the state of the False Claims Act, using recent cases to help you understand how each element of the FCA is being interpreted, and explore trends in FCA enforcement, unpacking the Department of Justice's correspondence to help government contractors remain vigilant against FCA violations and understand the potential impact of a new Attorney General on FCA prosecution. This information is critical for attorneys who work with clients who are currently government contractors and are interested in continuing to contract with the government.

Breana Ware
Alston & Bird LLP
- Senior Associate in Alston & Bird LLP’s Construction & Government Contracts Group
- Guides construction industry clients through disputes and helps them safely navigate the myriad regulations surrounding government projects
- J.D. degree, Harvard Law School
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

Jessica Sharron
Alston & Bird LLP
- Partner in Alston & Bird LLP’s Construction & Government Contracts Group
- Primarily focuses her practice in government contracts and construction litigation
- Represents owners, developers, and contractors in public and commercial construction projects, including contract disputes and construction claims litigation involving claims of professional negligence, delays, disruptions, changed conditions, and contract terminations
- J.D. degree, Santa Clara University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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