Recognize and avoid compliance and business risks associated with various types of compensation arrangements.
Never in the history of company management has there been a greater array of challenges facing the board of directors, compensation committee, or owner that must determine how and what to pay company executives. Inflation, regulation, supply chain interruptions, and increased shareholder demand that the executive's compensation actually reflect the executive's performance (and, in turn, shareholder return on investment) all coalesce to create an environment full of conflicting expectations and obligations. Talented executives are hard to find and keep. It is difficult to set performance expectations and compensation triggers when forces outside the executive's control may negatively impact company profitability and owner investment returns. This topic will help those that create, administer, and advise compensation committees, company boards of directors, and owners on executive pay. This presentation will help the compensation administrator assure directors, compensation committee members, and shareholders that money paid to the executive will actually help retain and incentivize the executive and fairly reflect the executive's job performance.

Kathleen R. Barrow
Fox Rothschild LLP
- Partner at Fox Rothschild LLP
- Has nearly three decades of experience helping employers correct tax and fiduciary issues with payroll, executive compensation and employee benefits
- Her national practice includes strategic assistance with ERISA matters, compliance programs, and corrections of documentation and operational errors
- Has a keen understanding of how and when to work with state and federal agencies, which contributes to her successful resolutions of tax issues with the U.S. Treasury and state and local tax authorities
- Even with matters that involve millions of dollars in payroll and income taxes, her focus is to find solutions that mitigate burdens on impacted employees and avoid requirements to amend their personal tax returns
- Clients include employers across a range of industries, nonprofit organizations, health care providers and school districts
- Has handled cases that involve the U.S. Treasury Office of Tax Policy; the Department of Labor, Employee Benefit Security Administration; massive payroll corrections involving thousands of employees; and has led representation before the U.S. Tax Court, various U.S. District Courts and Courts of Appeals throughout the country
- J.D. degree, with honors, University of Oklahoma College of Law; B.S. degree, with high honors, Nazareth College; M.B.A. degree, with high honors, Oklahoma City University
- Can be reached at [email protected]

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