Protect your financial institution from loss and fraud with proper check handling.
It is an important part of a bank employee's job to know how to handle checks to protect your financial institution from monetary loss. By recognizing the proper ways to cash checks, check for endorsements, and spot fraud, you protect not only the bank but yourself from liability.
This presentation guides you through handling different types of checks and learning how different check types meet certain requirements to be accepted or deposited. You will also learn how endorsements affect check cashing, along with how to look for proper identification and signature verification for cashing checks. Additionally, you will discover how to spot altered/fraudulent checks.

Robbie J. Jones
Community Bank Solutions
- Partner, Community Bank Solutions, LLP
- An accomplished bank operations executive with demonstrated success in improving bank performance, increasing profitability through process improvements, and maintaining competitive advantage
- Over 40 years of banking experience in Oklahoma and Georgia from bank charters to mergers and acquisitions
- Expertise lies in retail operations and bank administration, efficient facility operations, and cost controls
- Proven leader in training and managing team members from diverse backgrounds, while creating synergy among departments to increase proficiencies
- Proficient with deposit/loan operations, acquisitions and conversions, strategic planning, call center management, operational process analysis, LEAN transformations, new product development, customer relationship management, and regulatory compliance
- Member of the Oklahoma Banker’s Association and Community Bankers Association of Oklahoma
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 404-790-1093

Katie Childers
Community Bank Solutions
- Partner, Community Bank Solutions, LLP
- An experienced bank operations professional dedicated to improving processes and ensuring that personnel are properly trained
- Adept at effectively solving process issues and specializes in helping teams work in a fast-paced environment to meet customer needs and ensure efficient banking operations
- Experienced in bank operations, managing operational efficiencies for branches, re-engineering workflow, writing operational procedures and manuals, and developing useful forms
- Has worked with teams at all levels and ensures compliance with regulatory guidelines
- Proficient with training/cross-training personnel, customer care, operational process analysis, new product development, project management, and branch operations
- Member of the Oklahoma Banker’s Association and Community Bankers Association of Oklahoma
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 405-517-7976

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