Get a foundational understanding of the basic concepts of bankruptcy so that you can navigate the complexities with ease.
Many businesses and consumers are impacted by bankruptcy filings every day and often are not sure of the steps to take -- or actions to avoid -- once a customer, client, or other party files for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy code can be confusing for attorneys and non-attorneys alike who are not familiar with the basic bankruptcy process and rules. This presentation will provide a high-level primer on bankruptcy basics and common terminology to provide a general understanding of how bankruptcies work and the specific aspects of a case that you may need to take action on. The presentation will provide an overview of the different chapters of bankruptcy and will discuss some of the differences between consumer and business bankruptcies. The concept of the 'automatic stay' often scares creditors from taking no action against a debtor in a case, and this topic will provide information on what the automatic stay actually is, what it prohibits, and how to get around it to protect creditors' claims and rights during a bankruptcy.

Kirk B. Burkley, Esq.
Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.
- Managing partner of Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of bankruptcy and restructuring, creditors’ rights, business and corporate transactions, litigation, real estate, and oil and gas
- Conducts regular seminars/live webinars and workshops on bankruptcy, creditors’ rights, and oil and gas
- Author of several publications related to the bankruptcy field, with work appearing in ABI Journal, Equipment Leasing Newsletter, Pennsylvania Association of Credit Managers Newsletter The Creditor, and more
- Emeritus Board Member of the American Board of Certification, past president of the American Board of Certification, past president of Turnaround Management Association, member of Allegheny County Bar Association, American Bankruptcy Institute
- J.D. degree, University of Pittsburgh School of Law; B.S. degree, Ohio University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 412-456-8108

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