Understand the different options for taking distributions from a 401(k) plan and the financial consequences.
Individuals entitled to distributions from 401(k) plans confront numerous options for taking plan distributions, rolling them over to an IRA or another plan, and designating a beneficiary. This presentation will explain the different options for taking distributions from a 401(k) plan, the tax and financial consequences of the different options, the rules for when participants must commence distributions, and the pros and cons of different beneficiary designations.

Robert J. Lowe
Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP
- Partner in the Los Angeles office of Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP
- Heads the employee benefits and executive compensation practice
- Practice includes all areas of employee benefits and executive compensation including qualified and nonqualified retirement plans; multiemployer pension and health plans; benefit plan issues in mergers and acquisitions; benefit plan investments in venture capital and real estate; equity incentive and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; group health plans including cafeteria plans and COBRA; benefit plans and executive compensation arrangements for employees of tax-exempt entities; income and estate tax planning for receipt of large distributions from retirement plans; and negotiating and drafting executive employment agreements
- Has written many articles and speaks frequently on employee benefits issues
- Law degree, University of California, Berkeley (Boalt Hall); undergraduate degree, State University of New York at Binghamton

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