Do you know everything you need to about title examinations? Get an insider’s grasp of this detailed procedure so you can conduct title examinations thoroughly, confidently and professionally. Conducting research, preparing organized information and ensuring accuracy are important to the success of any case - but they’re crucial in a real estate transaction.
Gain insights for successfully conducting title examinations - including do’s and don’ts regarding the title search, practice tip and traps to avoid. Learn techniques to ensure your next title examination is not only free of errors but also free of headaches.

Peter S. Title
Sessions, Fishman, Nathan, & Israel, LLC
- Partner in the New Orleans office of Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel, L.L.C.
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of real estate law
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous real estate, title examinations and title insurance
- Wrote several publications related to Louisiana real estate law, including his two-volume treatise Louisiana Real Estate Transactions, and a frequent lecturer to professional organizations and CLE programs on real estate law
- Member, Louisiana State and New Orleans Bar Associations; Louisiana Land Title Association and American Land Title Association (recognized as Title Person of the Year for 2013 by the Louisiana Land Title Association), licensed Louisiana title insurance agent
- J.D. degree, Tulane University School of Law; B.A. degree, Columbia University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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