Navigate complex expatriate taxation issues and avoid common pitfalls.
Whether here or overseas, US taxpayers face a myriad of issues and must contend with countless special forms. This material will help the practitioner assist American clients as they live, travel and work abroad. Topics include foreign earned income and foreign housing credits and deductions, the foreign tax credit, information for military personnel, interagency cooperation, and tax avoidance schemes.

Monica Haven, E.A., J.D.,LL.M.
Monica Haven
Monica Haven, E.A., J.D.
- Graduate fellow and former faculty member of the National Tax Practice Institute®, a recognized speaker on the professional circuit, and a sought-after guest lecturer on college campuses and at community organizations
- Welcomes every opportunity to share her experience and expertise in the classroom even as she maintains her Southern California tax practice which serves national and international clients
- Students are grateful and have said, she’s a fantastic speaker who can take hard subjects and put them into concepts or analogies that are easy to understand; clear, articulate and expressive and has energy down to the last minute of the last class of the last day
- LL.M. degree in Taxation
- For additional information, published articles and loads of useful tax information please visit her website at

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