In a growing cannabis industry, understand how to stay compliant and sustain a drug-free workplace.
The state of cannabis legalization in the United States is a true patchwork. At last count, 33 states have legalized cannabis use to one degree or another, with some of them specifically prohibiting employers from discriminating against users of medical cannabis. This rapidly developing area of the law stands in contrast to federal law, under which cannabis use remains illegal. For employers with operations throughout the US, the challenges of complying with various applicable legal requirements are legion. This topic is intended to provide human resources professionals with the information they need to effectively implement a drug-free workplace policy in cannabis-friendly jurisdictions. The information also explains the limitations of current cannabis testing protocols and the implications that they have on the employer policies. Depending upon the jurisdiction and circumstances, employers may no longer have the option of strictly enforcing a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to cannabis use. You will leave the topic with a suite of best practices to implement when revising and enforcing applicable workplace policies for employers of all sizes, including multistate employers, federal contractors, and employers with a unionized workforce.

Michael Goettig
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
- Counsel with Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
- Helps businesses and tax-exempt organizations at all stages of development lay the right groundwork with their employees to avoid potential problems by developing employee handbooks, drafting detailed employment agreements for key employees, and providing a sound perspective on legal requirements under federal, state, and local law
- A trusted counselor and advocate, committed to resolving disputes expeditiously in the early stages of the process
- Draws from his experience as a trainer and educator with the Peace Corps to present sometimes esoteric areas of law with clarity and precision, in his ongoing client counseling as well as in more formal presentation settings
- Has a wealth of experience advocating for clients before courts and administrative agencies on matters ranging from single-plaintiff discrimination suits to class and collective wage-and-hour actions
- Frequent speaker at accelerators and incubators providing guidance to founders on employment law basics; provided counsel to new and emerging businesses in sectors ranging from graphic design to fashion, and from FinTech to food
- J.D. degree, Columbia Law School; B.A. degree, with distinction, University of Minnesota

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