Understand the challenges of specifying for LEED® certification and keep up with the changes in the LEED® rating system.
Individuals working on green and sustainable projects, particularly LEED® projects, must ensure that their specifications incorporate the LEED® rating system requirements. As the LEED® rating system continues to evolve, specification provisions must evolve as well. This topic provides you with valuable tools that will help you incorporate LEED® certification requirements into your project specifications, shows you how to link these requirements to a project's technical specifications, and explains the importance of these provisions to the certification process.

- Specifications coordinator with the A/E firm The S/L/A/M Collaborative
- Responsible for establishing specification standards for the firm and advising on LEED® Certification and sustainability
- Past president of the Construction Specifications Institute
- Past chair and board member of the Connecticut Green Building Council
- Chair Build Green Connecticut
- Member of RIB SpecLink Specification Content Advisory Committee
- Conducted seminars and webinars on specification practice, green building, and LEED® certification
- Can be contacted at 860-368-2394 or [email protected]

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