Learn how to identify and handle the more difficult aspects of storm water permitting and SWPP development.
Many contractors and developers do not fully understand how to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for storm water discharges from construction sites. One of the main requirements of the NPDES permit is the development and implementation of a site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
This topic helps the persons responsible for storm water compliance to understand how to apply for a storm water NPDES permit and how to develop and maintain the necessary SWPPP. This material will also help you to identify best management practices (BMPs) for your site and how to be aware of possible special conditions at your site. This topic will discuss site inspection reports, BMP failures, and how to handle regulatory inspections at your site.

Rick Gundlach, PWS
SCI Engineering, Inc.
- Senior Project Scientist at SCI Engineering, Inc.
- Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) through Society of Wetland Scientists
- Has been involved in the design and implementation of storm water projects for last 14 years
- Member of International Erosion Control Association
- Responsible for oversight of storm water services including coordination of municipal, construction, industrial, and NPDES compliance consulting services

Michael Holm, CESSWI
SCI Engineering, Inc.
- Field Scientist at SCI Engineering, Inc.
- Certified Erosion Sediment and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI)
- Has experience in sediment and erosion control inspections and design, wetland and waterbody delineations, Clean Water Act 401/404 permitting, mitigation monitoring, threatened and endangered species habitat assessments, and cultural resource surveys
- Responsible for the NPDES inspections for construction sites located in St. Louis and surrounding counties

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