Stay compliant, and make sure you are aware and prepared to implement the changes to payroll tax.
Many employers are faced with changes regarding staffing and obtaining seasoned professionals for key payroll roles. With pandemics and world issues, companies are trying to keep up with the most current and relevant laws that impact them. This has become challenging along with the normal annual updates. This presentation will give you the most up-to-date legislation, known 2023 changes to date, and how to apply them. You will review Form W-2 and how to properly process it, reconciliation of Form 941, and taxable fringe benefits processing. You will also review recent deferred compensation changes and how to understand the payroll impact.

Dayna J. Reum, CPP, FPC
Dayna J. Reum
- Senior director of payroll and HRIS at a major medical center in Chicago
- Heavily involved in the payroll field for more than 17 years
- Started as a payroll clerk at a small Tucson company, moved on to be a payroll team leader at Honeywell Inc.
- Obtained her FPC (Fundamental Payroll Certification) through the American Payroll Association
- Received several merit awards for customer service and acquisitions and divestiture
- Taught at the Metro Phoenix American Payroll Association meetings and the Arizona State Payroll Conference
- CPP (Certified Payroll Professional) through the APA
- Serves on the National American Payroll Association on the National Strategic Leadership Task Force, Government Affairs Task Force (PA local tax subcommittee)
- Received a citation of merit for her service and is a gold pin member of the APA
- Certified in HR hiring and firing practices and is a Six-Sigma Greenbelt

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