Gain a better understanding on how to create and implement an efficient incentive compensation plan for employees.
Congratulations, you have successfully designed a new incentive compensation program. However, you are not done yet. How do you know that your incentive pay plan is compliant with hourly staff rules? You may be creating an under-payment situation and might become liable to pay back-wages. Is your executive bonus plan creating a risk to your organization in the form of IRS mandated excise taxes? Do you have sales representatives in California? Incentive pay appears in several forms: broad-based general incentives, executive compensation and sales compensation. This topic helps you become educated on compliance topics after you have designed the plan. The material will also assist you with tools on how to design effective incentive compensation plans and how to assess current plans from both a design and compliance perspective. Recent studies cited will also share high-level statistics on the prevalence, participation rates and expenditures related to incentive compensation.

Sal DiFonzo, CCP, CBP, CSCP
- Vice president in the Phoenix office of Sibson Consulting
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of human capital, including compensation, benefits, performance management and organizational effectiveness
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous topics concerning broad-based, sales, and executive compensation
- Wrote the book, Designing Effective Incentive Compensation Plans (Amazon) and several publications related to sales compensation, broad-based plans and long-term incentive plans
- Membership information: Certified Compensation Professional (CCP), Certified Benefits Professional (CBP), Certified Sales Compensation Professional
- M.S. degree in human resource management, Purdue University; B.A. degree in economics/business and psychology, Cornell College
- Can be contacted at 602-381-4074 or [email protected]

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