Gain a better understanding of the reporting requirements regarding compliance under SSAE 18.
This topic will discuss the rules of SSAE 18s and the benefit/costs for the organizations and auditors using the SSAE 18. Discuss some of the new types of engagements, including comparison of SOC 1, SOC 2 and SOC3. Finally, discuss the different types of IT and security controls, including practical and cost effective implementation.

Craig Allen
Marcum LLP
- Supervisor in the Marcum LLP’s New Haven office and a member of its IT Risk and Assurance Services practice group
- Responsible for the overseeing of IT engagements, including SOX 404 attestation, SOC 1/2/3 reports, internal audits, cybersecurity assessments, application reviews and HIPAA Compliance
- Has extensive experience with clients within the banking and capital markets, pharmaceutical, technology and manufacturing industries
- Collectively has more than 6 years of related professional experience
- Prior to working at Marcum, he previously worked at EY and RSM, conducting and overseeing internal and external audits and SOC 1/2 reports for large public and private firms
- B.S. degree in corporate finance and accounting, Bentley Univesity; M.S. degree in accounting, Bentley University

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